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Begonias - more information

Tuberous begonia flowers are big and full of impactful, sometimes two-toned colour. Often featuring double blooms and gorgeously ruffled heads, these bedding plants are a superbly easy way to bring bright colours into your outdoor space. As they're tolerant of shade, use them to revamp a neglected shady bed. Fill hanging baskets so they are overflowing with colourful blooms come summer. Whatever you decide to do you won't regret growing these beauties!

Are begonias perennials?

Tuberous begonias act as perennial plants in warm climates, but are usually treated like annuals in the UK. To be perennial in our climate they need protection from our frosty winters. This is as simple as moving your begonia containers into an unheated garage or greenhouse to keep them safe from frost during the cold season.

When to plant begonia tubers

Plant your begonia tubers in March and April in pots undercover. Keep them away from late frosts. To plant your begonia tubers directly outdoors, wait until May when temperatures are reliably staying above zero at night. Mulch your tubers with a few cm of well rotted manure to keep your tender begonias safe as they sprout.

How to overwinter begonias

Overwinter begonias in a frost free space. If your begonia tubers are outdoors in garden beds then aim to lift them in mid autumn. When top growth starts to yellow and die back, cut it away cleanly using snips and gently lift the tubers out of the soil with a garden fork. Use a brush to gently clean away the soil from the tubers.

Store your tuberous begonias for the winter in a cool, dark space. Leave the tubers exposed to the air for a day or two to lightly dry the surface before placing into a paper bag labelled with the date and variety. Make sure to keep your stored tubers away from damp. Plant your tubers when temperatures rise the following spring.

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